Adjust the building systems

Adjust the building systems

Maintenance and adjustment of the heating equipment and the heat distribution system (radiators) is one of the most cost-efficient ways to reduce the carbon footprint and cost of living. Adjusting the heat distribution system can save up to 10–15% in heating costs.

  • Use a professional to revise and, if necessary, service and adjust heat distribution equipment every time the system needs attention or when heat seems to be distributed unevenly in the building.
  • A skilled caretaker knows the heating system of the building and how to adjust it so that energy consumption stays in control. In a large housing company the caretaker may help save the sum of their salary.
  • It is a good idea to update the thermostats and/or timers for the radiators with a system that reduces energy consumption.
  • Choosing electricity or district heat produced with clean forms of energy will further reduce emissions.
  • In a house heated with electricity, an air source heat pump will reduce energy consumption and emissions.
  • In houses heated with electricity or oil, geothermal heat or an air-water heat pump will significantly reduce the need to buy energy and the emissions all at once. At the same time, the cost of living will go down.

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